
Status: Open for limited trades (predominantly wants)Looking for German, Dutch and Austrian musicals and concertsCollection last updated: April, 2024

E-mail: [email protected]
Discord: waytoogreen#2542

Please contact me in English. Although I speak and understand other languages, I prefer to keep communications in English to avoid any misunderstandings.

Waytoogreen Trading



Waytoogreen Trading

About my collection
I predominantly collect German, Austrian, Dutch, Scandinavian and some English productions, including concerts / live streams.
If you think you have something I might be interested in, feel free to email me.I am always looking for anything and everything to do with Willemijn Verkaik and will (almost) always trade generously for productions/boots with her in.About my listings
⬩ In the "Misc" list you will find mostly cast and solo albums, as well as radio broadcasts and plays.
⬩ All items are listed alphabetically. For productions with multiple tours, the tours are in alphabetical order, and the individual listings in each tour are in chronological order.
⬩ Some shows have their own document due to the amount of items. Links to these can be found in the regular lists under their show name.
⬩ Any titles starting with “The” will be listed alphabetically under the subsequent word.
⬩ I write my dates as MM - DD - YYYY (example: February 10, 2022).
⬩ File sizes listed are based on Mega storage and how the files appear there.
⬩ Notes listed with each item in my collection are those either found on Encora or provided to me by the person I traded with. My own notes are marked as Waytoogreen’s or My notes, please do not include these in your listings.
⬩ I do not watch/ listen to every single item in my collection, if you see something you believe is incorrect, please let me know and I will amend it asap.

⬩ Be nice, - this is supposed to be fun.
⬩ Respect trading status - I update this to reflect my trading availability so others know what to expect.
⬩ Include your full list in the first e-mail if you initiate a trade. I do not do "this for that"- trading.
⬩ If you have not had a reply from me within one week, feel free to send me a reminder.
⬩ I do not trade NFT items.
⬩ I do not accept YouTube links, preferred options are Mega and Google.
⬩ I reserve the right to refuse a trade, for valid reasons of course.
⬩ My links are not reusable, they will be removed after one week unless otherwise agreed.

Trading ratios
Audio: 1:1
Video: 1:1
Audios to videos: 2:1
Limited Trades (LT): 2:1
Very Limited Trades (VLT): 3:1
Rare: 4:1
NFT = Not For Trade
💚 = Item is traded out at my own choosing

Waytoogreen Trading


Waytoogreen Trading